An Open Letter To Motorola

Dear Motorola:
Despite the Mountain Dew-ish extreme naming, I love the looks (and specs) of your new Droid Razr Maxx phone. I'm strongly considering making it my next Android phone. It looks like it's built to last, with Gorilla glass, Kevlar, nanotechnology coating, etc. And I love the idea of having a phone that I may not have to charge every day.
So why did you did you have to go and spoil it with a locked bootloader? Are you going to keep updating it with the latest the Android OS has to offer over the duration of my 2-year contract, or am I going to be stuck with an out-of-date phone way sooner than I'd like?
My first Android phone (an HTC Hero) didn't receive anything other than bug-fix upgrades six months after I bought it. That sucked, but at least I could load CyanogenMod on it fairly easily, and with the help of those fine folks I was able to keep my phone current for the past two years.
But now my contract is up, and I'm ready for something new. It's kind of sad: the only thing between me and your beautiful new phone is something so small.
Doesn't Google own Motorola now? Since their Nexus line of phones aren't locked, it surprises me that yours still are.
I read that you'll be offering an unlocked 'developer' version of the Droid Razr at some point in the future. This could be seen as a step in the right direction, but it has no warranty and no contract, and a premium price. And on top of that, I'm not a developer -- I'm just a user, a user looking to get a new phone that I'll be happy with throughout the length of the contract.
It doesn't seem like too much to ask for, does it?


p.s. If this petition is any indication, it looks like I'm not alone in my feelings about this.

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